13 Suggestions : for Intentional Holiday Eating


13 Suggestions

13 Suggestions : for Intentional Holiday Eating

13 Suggestions for Intentional Holiday Eating

Ah, the time of year for holidays. a season of abundant indulgence. Food is typically associated with the festive season, along with parties, gifts, and decorations.

13 Suggestions

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13 Suggestions

It is easy to lose sight of regular, balanced meals and other healthy eating practices that benefit us greatly the rest of the year when we get swept up in the celebrations and nostalgic treats.


“A little overindulgence during the holidays is totally normal and not a reason to panic,” says Lexington County, South Carolina-based Rachael Hartley, RD, owner of Rachael Hartley Nutrition and author of Gentle Nutrition.

13 Suggestions

“We celebrate and form connections through food, and sometimes indulging in a little more food than usual is a fun part of celebrating.” She claims that relishing those indulgent moments guilt-free is more crucial. One tool that can assist you in doing that is mindful eating.


You can better tune in to your body’s true physiological hunger cues and make decisions that maintain your energy and mood by paying more attention to what, when, and how you eat. Even a kale salad or an extra Christmas cookie will taste better to you.

International Days Related to Food

While most experts advise against having high expectations for yourself during the holidays—getting by is more than enough—starting now with mindful eating can gradually but significantly enhance your relationship with food.


According to Rachel Goldman, PhD, a licensed psychologist in New York City and clinical assistant psychiatry professor at the New York University School of Medicine, “it pushes judgmental thoughts out of the way while you eat.”

13 Suggestions

Additionally, because thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected, putting self-criticism aside and concentrating on the food on your plate without passing judgment may even improve your eating habits.


Mindful Eating: What Is It?

By encouraging you to enjoy the sensory experience of eating, notice hunger and fullness cues, and connect with the feelings you associate with certain foods, mindful eating, or tuning in to your food, body, and thoughts while eating, can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, according to Dallas-based Founder of EncouragingDietitian.

Com, Christyna Johnson, RDN.

It has been demonstrated that practicing mindfulness can significantly reduce unhealthy eating patterns and promote generally better behavior. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis, mindfulness training reduced impulsive and binge eating while also encouraging participants to engage in more physical activity.

13 Suggestions

According to a different review, those who engaged in mindful eating not only lost weight but also, in contrast to other weight loss strategies, the great majority of them did not gain it back over time.

According to Johnson, “you’re more likely to find more enjoyment in every bite when you’re more aware.”

International Food Day Quotes

So, how precisely do you apply this method? We consulted experts to get their best advice on incorporating mindfulness into your holiday meal preparation.

Tips for Mindful Eating During the Holidays to Enhance Your Relationship with Food

1. Identify the Symptoms of Hunger

Do you feel faint, queasy, exhausted, or sluggish? Is it hard for you to concentrate on the tasks at hand because your stomach is rumbling and your thoughts are constantly turning to food?


Johnson states, “These can all be indicators of hunger that are frequently disregarded.” It may seem obvious, but learning to identify true hunger can make eating more mindful.


To accomplish this, consider your most recent meal. “You’re probably physically hungry if it’s been more than a few hours or if your last meal or snack was a lighter one,” advises Hartley.


2. Take a Seat to Eat

When you’re chatting with friends and grazing the holiday buffet, it’s simple to lose track of how much you’re eating. The same applies if you’re eating leftovers while facing an open refrigerator.


But according to Johnson, eating can help you connect with the moment and pay attention to what and why you’re eating, which can help you better understand how much time is passing.

13 Suggestions

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13 Suggestions

As you will find it more difficult to eat mindfully when preoccupied with other activities, Laura Cordella, RD, CDN, an ambulatory dietitian at the New York-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center in White Plains, New York, advises against eating while distracted.


“Even though it can be challenging to stop for a meal when you are occupied with numerous holiday activities, it is crucial that you do.”


What occurs then when life becomes so busy that you are unable to eat a healthy meal? The most crucial thing, according to Hartley, is that you’re giving yourself enough and consistent food.


In order to keep yourself going between errands when sitting down isn’t an option, pack a snack or two.

3. Take Deep Breaths

According to Hartley, you can attain a certain level of mindfulness during your meal by taking a deep breath before you start eating. It’s also not very complicated.

According to Dr. Goldman, “deep breathing helps us become more aware of our bodies in the here and now.” To identify hunger signals and respond with intention instead of acting impulsively and refilling your plate, take a moment to inventory your environment and tune in to your body and emotions with a simple inhale and exhale.


Everyone has time for this tip, even on the busiest day of the most hectic holiday season.

Pay Attention to Sensory Cues
The sheer indulgence of the season, with its fancy cocktails, eye-catching desserts, and nostalgic flavors, can easily overwhelm your senses this time of year.


One way to engage in mindful eating is to take the time to truly concentrate on the aroma, taste, texture, and temperature of the food.

According to Hartley, it’s a good idea to periodically assess the flavor of your food. If at all possible, stop at the start, middle, and end of your meal to take a few deliberate bites to fully appreciate the food. You may even want to note a particular flavor or the fluffy texture of your dinner bun.

Engaging in this exercise will prevent you from succumbing to the mindless eating pattern that makes you feel full.

“Consider it akin to sampling wine while eating,” suggests Hartley. “Even a few bites can increase mindfulness; you don’t have to wine taste your entire meal.”

13 Suggestions

Additionally, Cordella advises, “Make thoughtful food choices. Consume the foods you enjoy with self-assurance. You’ll feel more in charge of your eating as a result of this.

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5. Follow Your Schedule
According to Cordella, “Treat holidays and days with holiday functions like any other day of the year in terms of sticking to your regular eating schedule.”


“Make sure to include nourishing and satisfying snacks throughout the day in between meals and avoid skipping meals in order to’save up’ for a holiday meal.


Try to avoid going longer than four hours without eating if possible, as this will increase the chance of mindless eating and overindulging during the holiday gathering, she continues.

13 Suggestions

If you skip breakfast or lunch, you run the risk of overindulging in mindless eating, even though you may think it’s a good idea to save calories for a holiday meal.


“When we’re not uncomfortable hungry, we make better decisions about what to eat,” claims Johnson.

6. First, pack your to-go plate.

Without a doubt, we have a tendency to overeat foods that we only get occasionally. Gather everything you think you’ll need later before sitting down to a holiday meal.


The routine can lessen the temptation to overeat and eat opportunistically by reminding you that this isn’t your last chance to enjoy holiday foods, according to Johnson. If stockpiling food before a dinner that is hosted seems


Although it may seem a little strange, bring a to-go box that you can mentally fill before assembling your dinner plate.


7. Relish Non-holiday Treats

Johnson notes that “you are more likely to be mindful of how much you are eating if you allow yourself to have certain foods on a regular basis.”

13 Suggestions

If you keep a fresh batch of Christmas cookies in the freezer or enjoy latkes every Saturday morning instead of just once a year, you may find that you’re less likely to overindulge when it comes time to sit down for a holiday meal.


Johnson reminds us that “you are always allowed to eat what sounds good to you.” Keep that in mind.

8. Use coping techniques

Time spent with relatives you don’t often get to see can elicit feelings ranging from dejection to outright rage. Johnson asserts that emotional eating is a typical human reaction, particularly in situations where we lack the knowledge and resources to control our emotions.

Don’t you usually list your feelings at the dinner table? Listen to us: Understanding whether you’re eating for the right reasons or in response to a specific feeling can be gained by identifying an unpleasant eating experience.

13 Suggestions

Johnson says that eating for the wrong reasons is a bad idea because it’s less satisfying than you might think. According to her, “the bad feelings are usually still present after you finish your meal, along with some guilt, shame, or self-judgment.” That is not how to conclude a meal.


You’ll be an expert when it comes time to pull out your toolbox of coping mechanisms when you practice the ones you know you’ll need before you flip the table or blow up at your mom, according to Goldman.


She suggests carrying at least three tools—one of which can be used anywhere and at any time—in your back pocket to aid in relaxation.


Before you eat a holiday meal, for example, or whenever you need a break from the celebrations, try deep breathing exercises or meditation. Simply head to the bathroom and take care of yourself.

13 Suggestions

“In social situations, when a go-to steam-blower like running isn’t realistic, this way you’ll always have something to do besides eat,” she says.


Throughout the holiday season and beyond, it is best to use this tool first thing in the morning and right before bed to reduce stress and get yourself ready for the inevitable emotions and mindless eating binge that may otherwise ensue.

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9. Press the Alarm
According to Hartley, engaging in mindfulness practices during the day can prepare the body and mind for mindful eating at mealtimes.


Therefore, a few times a day, set a reminder or alarm on your smartphone, and when it goes off, take a 30-second break to notice what’s happening in your


Do you need to put on some warm socks to warm your feet or stretch your shoulders after spending hours bent over your desk in order to improve your comfort level?

13 Suggestions

Meeting these needs can assist you in avoiding the comfort food trap that we occasionally fall victim to. And who knows? You might even realize that you need a snack and are truly hungry.


10. Take It Easy

According to Goldman, “it can take some time for the stomach to communicate to the brain that you are full.” Eating too rapidly might cause you to miss the message until it’s too late, after you’ve gobbled up your seconds or thirds.


For this reason, Goldman suggests setting down your cutlery or finger foods.

in between mouthfuls. According to Goldman, “people who overeat and feel guilty afterwards often feel out of control in the moment.”

13 Suggestions

“However, eating more slowly helps you feel more in control, enjoy every bite, and give yourself the chance to stop before you overeat.”

Cordella continues, “Take breaks to stay in tune with your level of fullness.” If you occasionally overindulge during holiday gatherings as long as it doesn’t happen frequently and you are aware of what you are doing, don’t punish yourself.


Never attempt to make up for overindulging by missing your next meal. This is probably going to start a vicious cycle of overeating followed by restriction.

13 Suggestions

The advantages of eating slowly for your health are widely known: A study of over 700 adults with type 2 diabetes found that eating slowly during meals may actually prevent obesity and lower associated risks.

11. Have fun

Taking pleasure in your favorite foods is a crucial component of eating mindfully. It’s crucial to maintain a positive relationship with food, Hartley says, even if the food you enjoy isn’t something you would normally consider healthful. We don’t eat kale all day, every day, for this reason:


“Eating is more than just consuming food to get nutrients,” she claims. “We need to regularly eat foods we love to feel good because we have emotional and cultural connections to the food we put in our bodies.”

13 Suggestions

to feel contented rather than just full. So sure, you can continue serving Aunt Barbara’s mashed potatoes and your cousin’s renowned pecan pie.


“A more mindful experience, with regard to the food as well as your ability to enjoy the holiday, in general, will result from starting the day with a positive mindset and granting yourself permission to enjoy these foods,” says Cordella.


Think about what you can add to your plate instead of what you should take away or avoid. You will only find yourself thinking about the foods you truly enjoy more if you actively try to avoid them.

13 Suggestions

The sensation of being deprived makes you more likely to consume more food than you otherwise would have if you had just given


Give yourself permission to begin eating the food mindfully right away.

12. Strive for Equilibrium

Cordella advises attempting to include a healthy ratio of starch, protein, fat, and fiber in meals whenever it is feasible. For instance, if pasta is served, include some vegetables and protein, if any are available.


Any pasta meal would benefit from the addition of a side salad with beans or some grilled chicken with sautéed vegetables.


These are excellent strategies for maintaining meal balance, but keep in mind that it’s okay if this doesn’t occur at every meal. Proceed and endeavor to acquire the nutrients you were deficient in the subsequent meal.

13 Suggestions

“With the emphasis on food during the holidays, there may be a lot of remarks made to friends and family regarding dieting and false nutritional information being shared.


In these circumstances, remember to look after yourself and remember that everyone has a different definition of what constitutes a healthy diet, advises Cordella.


“You should always consult a registered dietitian-nutritionist or other reliable medical professional for advice on nutrition.”

13. Give yourself a break

We can’t always eat 100% mindfully 100% of the time due to the demands of real life. However, mindful eating is still a useful strategy. According to Hartley, it’s better to view mindful eating as a spectrum than as something you either always practice or not.

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Especially during the holidays, it’s preferable to eat more mindfully when you can rather than worrying about paying close attention to every meal and snack.


According to Hartley, “for many people, it’s enough to worry about getting through the holidays.” Eating carelessly occasionally doesn’t necessarily indicate that you have a bad relationship with food; rather, it can be improved by being mindful of your emotions and the food on your plate.

13 Suggestions

You might even see an improvement in your overall eating habits if you practice mindful eating during the holidays. “My strategy for holiday eating is the same as my suggested mindset for any other day of the year,” Cordella says.

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13 Suggestions

Eat slowly to honor your fullness, give yourself permission to enjoy food that tastes good to you, and try to make meals that are balanced to keep yourself full and energized throughout the day. Eat every three to four hours while you’re awake.


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