Nude Yoga:10 Poses to Reduce Love Handles and Sculpt a Trim Waist


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Nude Yoga10 Poses to Reduce Love Handles and Sculpt a Trim Waist

Ten Yoga Poses to Reduce Love Handles and Sculpt a Trim Waist

For many of my clients, love handles—the obstinate pockets of extra fat around the waist—are a frequent source of annoyance.

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Yoga can help tone and strengthen your core, which will help you have a more sculpted waistline even though spot reduction is not possible. These ten yoga poses for love handles are designed to specifically address this troublesome area while fostering general wellbeing and mindfulness.


Include these yoga poses in your daily practice, emphasizing conscious postures and appropriate breathing. Maintaining consistency is essential, and you might experience improvements in strength, flexibility, and waist definition over time.

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Always pay attention to your body, and if you have any limitations or concerns, seek advice from a yoga instructor or medical professional.

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After you’ve finished reading about the top 10 yoga poses for love handles, don’t forget to check out the top 5 morning workouts for accelerating weight loss.

1 Side Boards

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By using the muscles on either side of the torso, such as the obliques, side planks help tone and strengthen the core. By encouraging muscle activation and stability, this exercise targets the love handle region, eventually resulting in a smaller waist and more defined muscles.

Take a plank position to start. As you elevate the opposing arm toward the ceiling, shift your weight to one arm. For balance, either stack your feet or stagger. Hold each side for thirty seconds.


2 Boat Position

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The transverse abdominis and obliques are two of the core muscles that are worked and strengthened in boat pose. The boat pose works the muscles along the sides of the torso, toning and strengthening them by balancing on the glutes and lifting the legs and upper body at the same time.

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Stretch your legs out as you sit on the mat. Take a small slant backward and raise your legs off the floor. Spread your arms wide apart. For 60 seconds, hold.

3 Chair Twist Position

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Because it works the oblique muscles on the sides of the torso, this pose helps reduce love handles. This yoga pose encourages toning and strengthening of the muscles around the waist by twisting the torso while sitting. The deliberate twisting motion promotes better digestion, circulation, and a more sculpted look in the love handle region.

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Place your feet together in the chair pose to begin. As you turn your body to one side, bring the elbow on the other side to the outside of your knee. Maintain a straight spine. Hold on to30 seconds for every side.


4 Cycle Crunches

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Cycling crunches use a dynamic, twisting motion to work the abdominal muscles, especially the obliques. This exercise strengthens and tones the area around the waist by focusing on the side muscles of the core.

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Bicycle crunches cause the oblique muscles to contract continuously, which improves muscle definition and gives the muscles a more sculpted appearance.

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Place your hands behind your head while lying on your back. Raise both of your legs and use your knees to pedal. Move one elbow over to the other knee. For two minutes, repeat.

5 Plank with Hip Dipping

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The oblique muscles, which run along the sides of the torso and are responsible for the appearance of love handles, are worked out when performing planks with hip dips. Hip dips work these particular muscles by twisting them, which strengthens and tones the oblique region.


Plank your forearms to begin. Turn your hips to the side and bend in the direction of the floor. Once again, start from the center and work your way outward. Keep going for a minute.

6 Warrior III

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Dynamic yoga pose Warrior III works several different muscle groups, including stabilizers in the hips and core. This pose works the muscles along the sides of the waist by requiring balance while extending one leg back and keeping the torso parallel to the floor.

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Consistently performing Warrior III exercises strengthens the obliques and core, which helps to tone and sculpt the waist overall.

Start off by standing up. Lean back with one leg straight from the hips. Keep your extended leg and torso aligned. Hold each side for thirty seconds.

7 Pose for Relieving Wind

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“Pavanamuktasana,” or wind-relieving pose, strengthens the abdominal muscles and opens the digestive system. This yoga pose helps to compress and massage the abdominal area by bringing one knee to the chest and holding it there. This compression helps with digestion, lessens bloating, and could help slim the waist.

Place one knee up against your chest while lying on your back. Grasp the knee with your hands. After 30 seconds of holding, swap legs. Do the same on the other side.

8 Vertical Plank

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The upward plank, sometimes referred to as “purvottanasana,” stretches the entire body, including the love handle region, by using the muscles of the arms, legs, and core. This pose helps define and tone the sides of the torso by strengthening the muscles around the waist.

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With your hands behind you and your legs extended, take a seat on the mat. Make a straight line with your hips by lifting them toward the ceiling. For 30 seconds, hold.

9 Pose of the Cobra

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The lower back, obliques, and core are worked in cobra pose. This pose contributes to a more defined waist by toning and strengthening the oblique muscles as well as the surrounding muscles. Furthermore, by stimulating the abdominal organs, this pose facilitates digestion and supports a healthy metabolism.

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Place yourself on your stomach. beneath your shoulders with your hands. Maintaining your lower body on the mat, raise your chest off the floor. For 30 seconds, hold.


10 Changing Triangle Position

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Love handles can be reduced by utilizing the waist and core muscles, which are worked in the revolved triangle pose. This pose targets the obliques and lateral muscles by incorporating a twisting motion, which helps to strengthen and tone the midsection.

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This pose’s rotational element helps to improve digestion and circulation to the abdominal area, which in turn helps to reduce excess fat around the waist.

Spread your feet apart as you stand. Turn your torso and place one hand outside the foot of the other person. Maintain a straight back and look up. Hold each side for thirty seconds.


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