CDC Guidelines for Covid : 20survey chronic fatigue syndrome is not uncommon


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CDC Guidelines for Covid : 20survey chronic fatigue syndrome is not uncommon

Based on a recent CDC survey, chronic fatigue syndrome is not uncommon. It impacts 3.3 million adult Americans.


NEW YORK (AP) — The first nationally representative estimate of the number of adult Americans with chronic fatigue syndrome was released by health officials on Friday, and it came out at 3.3 million.


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The number of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is higher than that of earlier studies, which may have been inflated by some of the patients who had prolonged COVID. A co-author of the report, Dr. Elizabeth Unger of the CDC, stated that the illness “is not a rare illness.”

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Severe exhaustion that does not improve with bed rest for at least six months is the hallmark of chronic fatigue.


In addition, patients report experiencing pain, fogging of the brain, and other symptoms that worsen with exercise, work, or other activities. There isn’tis neither curable nor able to be quickly diagnosed with a blood test or scan.


Research indicates that the cause may be the body’s prolonged overreaction to an infection or other immune system shock, but doctors have not been able to identify it.

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The illness gained notoriety almost forty years ago after groups of cases were documented in Lyndonville, New York, and Incline Village, Nevada. Some physicians referred to it as “yuppie flu” and wrote it off as psychosomatic.


Experts and patients say that some doctors still think that way.


Hannah Powell, 26, of Utah, went five years without receiving a diagnosis. “They called me a hypochondriac and said it was just anxiety and depression,” Powell claimed to her doctors.


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57,000 American adults were surveyed in 2021 and 2022, which served as the basis for the new CDC report. A question about seeing a doctor or other health-carew heather


A medical professional had previously informed them that they had chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgia encephalomyelitis, and if they still do. 1.3% of respondents answered “yes” to both questions.

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According to CDC officials, that equates to roughly 3.3 million adult Americans.

Among the other conclusions were the following: white individuals had a higher prevalence of the syndrome than did men or members of other racial or ethnic groups. These results are in line with smaller, earlier research.

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The results, however, also went against long-held beliefs that chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition exclusive to wealthy white women.


There was almost no difference between White and Black people, and there was less of a gap between men and women than some earlier studies had indicated. Additionally, the study discovered that a greater proportion of the impoverished than the wealthy reported having it.


These misconceptions could arise from the observation that individuals receiving traditional diagnosis and treatment “usually have a little greater availability to healthcare, and perhaps are given more credence when they claim to be exhausted and will remain so, making it

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Impossible for them to work,” stated Dr. Brayden Hellman, a specialist at the Bateman Horne Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The report did not use medical records to confirm the patients’ diagnoses; instead, it relied on their recollections.

Dr. Daniel Claus, director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan, stated that while this could cause some overcounting, experts think that only a small percentage of cases of chronic fatigue syndrome are identified.


Since no medications have been approved for it, the diagnosis has never been clinically common in the United States. There are no recommended treatments for it, according to Clauw.

CDC Guidelines for Covid

According to CDC officials, the count probably includes some patients who had long COVID and were experiencing prolonged exhaustion.


Chronic health issues that arise weeks, months, or years following an acute COVID-19 infection are commonly referred to as long COVID. Although patients’ symptoms differ, some share the same issues

We believe that the illness is the same, Yellman stated. However, he added, COVID is now diagnosed far more quickly and is more widely accepted by medical professionals.

Powell, a patient of Yellman’s, was an athlete in high school who contracted an illness while traveling to Belize prior to his senior year. The doctors diagnosed it as malaria, and she appeared to get better.

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However, she started to feel tired all the time, had problems falling asleep, and kept throwing up. She claimed that she struggled with her schoolwork and eventually had to give up playing sports.


Five years later, she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, and with regular fluid and medication infusions, she started to regain some stability. After earning her degree from the University of Utah, she currently works for a company that provides domestic

“Getting care is still difficult,” she remarked.

Powell said, “I usually say I have long COVID when I go to the ER or another doctor’s appointment instead of saying I have chronic fatigue syndrome.” “And almost immediately, I am believed.”

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The Science and Educational Media Group of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides support to the Associated Press Health and Science Department. All content is the exclusive responsibility of the AP.


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