Cancer Vaccines :are a beautiful gift that should be honored in an ugly world


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Cancer Vaccines :are a beautiful gift that should be honored in an ugly world

Vaccines are a beautiful gift that should be honored in an ugly world.

The medical Nobel Prize given to immunologist Drew Weissman and biochemist Katalin Karikó on October 2nd is a fitting conclusion to a remarkable underdog tale. Dr. Karikó’s career was hampered by her outmoded insistence on attempting to introduce RNA into cells.


She persisted, and together they worked out a method that primed the immune system in a completely new way to fend off threats. Millions of lives were saved during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the mRNA vaccines they had made possible, and billions more were able to resume normal lives.

Their award is not like any other. Since the 1930s, the attenuated strain of the yellow fever virus has been used as a vaccine, and Max Theiler is the only scientist to have received a Nobel Prize in the field of vaccinations.

For creating polio vaccines, neither Albert Sabin nor Jonas Salk received compensation. There were no celebrations for the smallpox eradication either.

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This dismal record is unjustified, as Alfred Nobel’s will stipulates that the prizes should be awarded to those who have benefited humanity the most.


Vaccine scientists can think of something even better, though they may have missed out on trips to Stockholm, fat checks, and 175g gold medals that portrayed an explosives entrepreneur. As the Christopher Wren inscription found in St.

Paul’s Cathedral says it: “If you are looking for his monument, look around you.” Si monumental requires, circumspect. Hundreds of millions of lives are dedicated to honoring the work of vaccine creators.

More lives have been saved by vaccines than by any other medical innovation, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Gainsaying such a claim is difficult.

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Vaccines save a remarkably large number of lives, at a relatively low cost, and against disease. And their ability to do so keeps expanding. The World Health Organization approved the first malaria vaccine in 2021, and this week it approved the second.

Not only are vaccines incredibly helpful, but their care and communication qualities also perfectly exemplify what it means to be human.

Contrary to popular belief, vaccines educate and train the immune system rather than trick it. They give doctors the opportunity to kindly warn their patients in a way that slips into their cells as a resource for public health.


In a time when trust is lacking, this closenessbetween a person’s immune system and government policy is frequently interpreted as a threat. Vaccines, however, are molecules of kindness, not plots or instruments of control.


The best way to further honour this extraordinary set of technologies is to use it more and better. Gavi, a public-private global-health partnership, has made over 1bn doses of various vaccines available to children in poor and middle-income countries this century; it believes this has averted over 17m deaths. Even so, millions of children receive no vaccinations at all.

It is often said that Nobel’s bequest was an atonement for the destruction his explosives made possible. His writings offer no evidence for that, but the sheer scale of the damage they did—the military use of explosives in 20th-century wars is reckoned to have claimed 100m-150m lives—is so great that the idea feels as if it should be true.

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Vaccination is one of the few benefits conferred on humankind that measures up to that task. It is as though the world were able to run one of the terrible wars of the 20th century in reverse, saving millions of lives a year, every year. Si expiationem requiris, circumspice


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