Fewer:10 pills Doctors advise against prescribing antidepressants minor symptoms


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Fewer:10 pills Doctors advise against prescribing antidepressants minor symptoms

Please take fewer pills: Doctors advise against prescribing antidepressants for minor symptoms.

London — A coalition of British psychiatrists, psychologists, and lawmakers has demanded that antidepressant prescriptions for patients with mild conditions be stopped, claiming that rising prescription rates are not linked to better mental health.



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Fewer vs less less vs fewer activities

An estimated 86 million antidepressant prescriptions were written in 2022–2023, a 5 percent increase from the 47 million written in 2011.

A reversal of this trend is what the signatories to an open letter published in the British Medical Journal on Tuesday want to see. Among them are GPs, professors of psychiatry and psychology, former NHS chief Nigel Crisp, and former care minister Norman Lamb.


The primary worry of the authors is that there hasn’t been a commensurate improvement in population-level mental health outcomes with the rise in prescriptions. They write that certain measures actually indicate a worsening of these.


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Fewer vs less less vs fewer activities


The letter is being sent at the same time that the Beyond Pills All Party Parliamentary Group, which will be co-chaired by House of Lords member Crisp and MP Danny Kruger, launches on Tuesday. The group’s focus will be on interventions like psychological counseling and social prescribing.

“Instead of addressing the underlying causes of their suffering, such as loneliness, poverty, or substandard housing, patients are frequently prescribed unnecessary and potentially harmful drugs—a clear example of over-medicalization is the high rate of antidepressant prescribing in recent years,” Crisp said in a statement.


Unless the patient requests it, health practitioners are not supposed to prescribe antidepressants as a first line treatment for less severe depression, according to official guidelines.


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Fewer vs less less vs fewer activities


The signatories, however, assert that it still occurs and demand action from the British government to stop it. They also demand funding for a national 24-hour prescribed drug withdrawal helpline and that medical practitioners follow the UK Drug Watchdog’s safe prescribing guidelines.


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