Growing : Rates of RSV and COVID in South Dakota Now



Growing : Rates of RSV and COVID in South Dakota Now

Growing rates of RSV and COVID in South Dakota

“We are keeping an eye on RSV, but it’s definitely not as bad as it was last year,” Basel stated.

In addition to RVS, a well-known virus has also been spreading.

Basel stated, “We’ve definitely seen COVID take a leg up in the past week.” “As the weather gets colder and more people spend more time indoors, the number of COVID cases has been rising.”

How are RSV  covid-19 and the flu transmitted

Basel reports that although the COVID-19 pandemic is not as severe as it was in previous years, it can still cause symptoms ranging from a common cold to a serious infection.



Currently, influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 are the three main infections that Basel is keeping an eye out for.

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“These three, especially in the elderly and immunocompromised, can all cause serious illness, all the way up to death,” Basel cautioned. “We are concerned about it in healthy individuals because they can transmit it to those who are more vulnerable by spreading it around.”

What is the difference between RSV and COVID

While all of these conditions can manifest as common colds, Basel warns that symptoms such as trouble breathing, fevers, and dehydration should be closely monitored as they may indicate a more serious condition.


Basel stated, “The main example of where we really worry about these viruses is nursing homes.”

Based on what we currently see, these three


Basel reports that influenza in South Dakota in mid-December has shifted from sporadic to slightly elevated. “RSV—is in that minimal to sporadic area,” he stated. “COVID, we’re in the moderate area pretty square.”


This is roughly the highest number of COVID cases we’ve seen since last spring, Basel continued.

Basel encourages people to consider the health of others as the holiday season approaches.



Many family members, spanning multiple generations, consider that. Before exposing any at-risk family members to cold symptoms, you might want to get tested yourself, advised Basel.


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