Kansas Health : Insurance Infographic Now


Kansas Health

Kansas Health : Insurance Infographic Now

Kansas Health Insurance Infographic for 2022


Health insurance provides protection against excessive medical bills and is thought to be necessary in order to obtain high-quality healthcare.

Kansas Health

Kansas Health
Kansas Health

The Kansas Health Institute (KHI) enriches ongoing discussions about health coverage options in Kansas and nationally by disseminating comprehensive information about insurance coverage in Kansas throughout the year.


An overview of insurance coverage for 2,896,065 Kansans in 2022 is given in this infographic.

  • Highlights consist of:
  • Private insurance provided coverage for over 1.7 million Kansans, including:
  • 67,011 through TRICARE or military insurance, 1.5 million through employment-based coverage, and 195,418 through
  • directly purchased insurance, including 98,753 through the Kansas marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), totaling $155,418.

Public insurance covered an additional 863,141 people, including:

  • Medicare paid 448,332; Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) paid 331,683; both Medicare and
  • Medicaid paid 76,605; and Veterans Affairs paid 6,521 for healthcare.
  • Moreover, 248,308 Kansans lacked health insurance, comprising:
  • 37,192 children and 207,913 adults who are not elderly.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, policies at the federal and state levels encouraged more people to obtain health insurance. During the public health emergency, Medicaid and CHIP enrollees were permitted to stay enrolled without having their status changed.

Kansas Health

This infographic represents the continuous coverage period because it is based on the most recent data available, which is from 2022. In a procedure known as unwinding, Kansas started processing all KanCare eligibility casework that was not handled during the PHE in April 2023.


Income eligibility limits are usually expressed as a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL; $27,750 for a family of four in 2022). This allows people to receive subsidies for the purchase of a plan on the health insurance marketplace.


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) increased the number of households eligible for subsidies by making those above 400 percent FPL ($111,000 for a family of four in 2022) eligible for a marketplace subsidy for the first time in 2022.

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Their share was determined by their household income and the benchmark plan premium. If a household’s benchmark silver plan premium was less than 8.5 percent of their yearly income, which is the effective maximum income required to qualify for a subsidy, they might not have received one.


In 2022, 164,960 or 66.4 percent of Kansans without health insurance had household incomes that would have made them eligible for subsidies to buy insurance through the Kansas marketplace.

Kansas Health

Of those who would have been eligible, 125,410 (76.0%) would have been eligible for monthly premium reduction subsidies under the original terms of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and 39,550 (24.0%) would have become eligible for additional subsidies under the terms of the Affordable Recovery Act (ARPA).


Kansas is one of ten states that, as permitted by the ACA, has not extended Medicaid coverage to adults with household incomes up to 138 percent of FPL as of December 2023.


Medicaid expansion would have taken effect in 2022, covering adults living alone up to $18,754 annually and adults in a four-person household up to $38,295. In 2022, 71,457 low-income, uninsured adults in Kansas would have been eligible for Medicaid coverage if the state had expanded its program.

Kansas Health

Although they were not enrolled, 28,902 low-income adults and children in Kansas without insurance were probably already qualified for Medicaid or CHIP.


Visit our website or register for more details about how Medicaid expansion affects KanCare enrollment and costs.

Observation regarding data:

The most recent data available for this infographic comes from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Early 2023 and Full Year 2022 Average Effectuated Enrollment Snapshot Report and the U.S.


Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample. The population in Kansas that is shown is the state’s non-institutionalized population; this group does not include people who are housed in institutions like mental health clinics, nursing homes, or prisons.

Kansas Health

Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that surveys of health insurance coverage, such as the American Community Survey (ACS), have a tendency to underestimate the number of people who are enrolled in Medicaid.


It is crucial to remember that the number of Medicaid enrollees reported in state administrative data may differ from the ACS estimate of enrollees.

Kansas Health Insurance Association

Estimates of the number of Kansans who meet the requirements for marketplace plans and subsidies or Medicaid are based on the Census Bureau’s definition of household units, which includes all people living in the sampled household at the time of the survey, regardless of family relationships.

Kansas Health

Kansas Health
Kansas Health

Since other factors are taken into account when determining eligibility for Medicaid and the health insurance marketplace, actual experiences may vary.


This infographic uses the 2022 CHIP income limit, which was raised from 255 percent of the 2008 FPL on July 1, 2022, to 255 percent of the 2022 FPL.


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