Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm


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Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

A whole new range of therapeutic opportunities has been made possible by the rise of “boxing fitness.”

Felicia Alexander’s father passed away from a heart attack when she was sixteen years old. The loss was terrifying as well as depressing.

“It was really scary to go to sleep at night without my dad in the house,” she recalls. In addition to the practical aspect—their home had previously been broken into—there was also the emotional aspect of losing a parent. She wanted to feel like she could defend her family and herself without her dad around.

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Man Punches KangarooRoll with the punches Man punches
Man Punches Kangaroo
Roll with the punches
Man punches

Man Punches Kangaroo

That’s how Alexander found himself in a gritty boxing gym in downtown San Diego, surrounded by muscular men who took their boxing very seriously. As she entered, the The room became quiet.

However, that didn’t deter her. “I felt like an alter ego had been unleashed inside of me the moment I put on gloves,” the woman claims. “I had a badass feeling.” There was a great sense of catharsis, release from tension, and empowerment when hitting the bag.

Traditionally, to reach that catharsis, you had to be willing to enter a gym with the same layout as the one Alexander entered back in the 1990s—a gym straight out of the Rocky movies—and be willing to take a punch to the face. You wouldn’t box if you weren’t willing to be hit.

That has been modified. Over the last few decades, as group fitness classes have become more popular, the term “boxing” has broadened to encompass “boxing fitness,” which consists of strength training or core exercises combined with non-contact boxing (hitting a bag or the air) without ever expecting to face an opponent.

Man Punches Kangaroo

This change has made boxing accessible to a wider audience, “which I think is fantastic,” says Colin Bishop, a boxing instructor at BOUT Boxing in Queens.

It permitshe can work with children and adults who come to the gym hoping to get all the benefits of boxing without suffering a concussion or breaking their nose. (I was one of those clients this summer when, using a free ClassPass trial, I stumbled into a BOUT Boxing class while taking a tour of fitness centers.)

There’s a good reason why boxing is regarded as an excellent form of exercise.

Boxing fitness classes usually include multiple short bursts of high-intensity exercise that raise your heart rate and burn a lot of calories because the sport is structured around three-minute rounds. However, educators and scientists alike advise taking into account its additional advantages: It’s a fantastic way to decompress and may also work well as a mental health intervention.

As a teenager, Alexander found the sport to be so empowering that she wished she could “bottle up that feeling” and turn it into a product. After some time, she managed to leave her corporate job and launch BoxUnion, which currently operates three locations in California, in her mid-40s.

Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

She saw right away that coaches andBoth clients were quite honest with one another about the difficulties they were having outside of the studio.

She remembers, “It felt like there was more people who really resonated with this than just me.” Since then, the studio has made mental health a part of their ethos, pushing clients to view boxing as a release and coaches to be open and vulnerable.

“Hey, this is your time, I want you to leave everything that’s happening in the world outside the doors and make this hour your own,” is a common statement heard in the fitness industry, the speaker adds.

The philosophy we follow is different. Please bring everything into the room with you, and try your best to leave everything on the bag.

Among the The ability to hit objects is the most obvious way that putting on gloves relieves stress. At the conclusion of a lesson, Bishop’s clients frequently tell him, “I really needed that; I had a bad day.” A constructive way to let go of stress and rage is to hit the bag.

Man Punches Kangaroo

However, University of Toronto psychiatrist Johny Bozdarov speculates that there might be more to it. Bozdarov, who has boxed since he was a young boy, saw firsthand how it helped his mental health in coping with everyday stressors. He therefore questioned whether boxing had been researched as a therapeutic intervention when he first began studying psychiatry.

He looked through the literature and found 16 studies that examined non-contact boxing and mental health in particular. Overall, the research showed a reduction in symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in addition to notable improvements in mood, self-esteem, and concentration.

Despite the low quality and small sample sizes (one study included only three participants), the results were in line with more thorough analyses of martial arts The way boxing for mental health combines traditional mindfulness with intense aerobic exercise is one of its special features.

Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

The three-minute rounds necessitate complete concentration, and the sport demands a great deal of skill and control. That can be very reassuring, particularly for a wandering mind.

“The grounding techniques that are available in boxing are what’s important,” states Bozdarov. “Using technique to strike an object keeps you in the present, while running allows your mind to wander a lot.”

According to Bozdarov, boxing is a field with unrealized potential that needs more investigation. He has developed a form of boxing therapy that combines more conventional mental health procedures with boxing, dubbed mindfulness-based non-contact boxing therapy.

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Man Punches KangarooRoll with the punches Man punches
Man Punches Kangaroo
Roll with the punches
Man punches

He just finished up a feasibility study forthe intervention at the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and it intends to conduct a more extensive clinical trial in the near future. It is hoped that combining therapy with exercise in a structured setting will lead to better mental health outcomes as well as increased fitness.

Other boxing programs have combined boxing with mindfulness exercises or mentorship. In Toronto, Shape Your Life is designed specifically for those who have suffered trauma.

Empire Fighting Chance was a research project in the United Kingdom that looked at the benefits of combining non-contact boxing with personal development resources for youth who are at-risk.


People with Parkinson’s disease may find that boxing fitness is a helpful form of therapy for managing their symptoms. Gait instability is one of those symptoms that causes falls on a regular basis.


A 2021 longitudinal study on boxing therapy found that adopting a boxer’s stance—steady and balanced, hands up by the face—can help lower the risk of falls in people with the neurological condition. Preventing falls and recovering from them is among theobjectives of Rock Steady Boxing, a boxing gym established to assist Parkinson’s patients.

Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

In 2020, a comprehensive survey of Rock Steady participants revealed decreased fear of falling, enhanced social interactions, and decreased levels of fatigue, depression, and anxiety—all of which are frequently reported in individuals with the condition.

But even when it’s not specifically designed for a health issue, boxing promotes positive behaviors that benefit everyone. Bishop focuses heavily on breathwork in his BOUT Boxing classes on purpose.


Looking back, he believes that slow, deliberate breathing—the kind you learn to take during recovery after a strenuous three-minute boxing session—might have helped him reduce his panic attacks. He hopes that by using the techniques they acquire in his classes, his clients will be able to deal with stressful or even panic-inducing situations in real life.

Man Punches Kangaroo Take Punches to Reach Inner Calm

He notes that men may benefit most from this kind of education since they are less likely than women to seek out traditional mental health services.

I wasn’t expecting too much when I tried boxing for myself because I wasn’t aware of any of this research (my experiment of trying different fitness classes also led me to a “surfing” class on the roof of Margaritaville Resort in Times Square). In fact, I discovered that I had no time to consider all of my worries during the demanding 45-minute session.

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Man Punches KangarooRoll with the punches Man punches
Man Punches Kangaroo
Roll with the punches
Man punches

Punch combinations in a specific order were part of each round, which called for focus. In keeping with Bishop’s philosophies, we also paid close attention to breathwork—finding a steady breath and lowering our heart rates following a strenuous round.

Since that first lesson, I’ve returned to BOUT multiple times. I always leave the studio after a session feeling grounded, worn out, and


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