Relax Quotes Your Body During Stressful or Emergency Situations


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Relax Quotes Your Body During Stressful or Emergency Situations

How to Relax Your Body During Stressful or Emergency Situations


Easy physical “bottom-up” techniques to help you stay afloat and ground yourself.

Feeling “beside ourselves,” unable to connect with where we are, is one of the most uncomfortable inner experiences we can have when we are under stress.

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Whether we are experiencing a panic attack, reading the news in shock, grieving deeply, or becoming paralyzed from daily stress, paradoxically and unsettlingly, we are also unable to grasp any feelings at all at the same time that we appear to be experiencing a great deal of emotion. We seem to be cut off from our bodies, which appear to have minds of their own.

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We experience a sense of being immobile or being too too restless or focused to focus on any one thing, hopping around in a stressful circle of failure. While we’re experiencing this apparent out-of-body feeling, we worry and ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I unable to simply take a deep breath and relax?

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Nothing at all—I mean it—is genuinely wrong with us.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Automatic Reaction of Our Body to Danger

As uncomfortable and unsettling as those moments may be, the reason we feel like we can’t think, focus, function, or even just sit still has a very logical explanation. We’ve become “limbic.

” The amygdala, our internal alarm system, senses a threat and immediately switches our brains to fight, flight, or freeze mode. This is because our sympathetic nervous system is hardwired to detect threats.

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We are not given a choice. It occurs before we have a chance to evaluate the situation. This was crucial

al back in the days when we encountered saber-toothed tigers.


These days, the safeguards may not be as effective as the danger. Though it would be wise to do so (find more top-down ideas here), we can tell ourselves “nothing is happening now” in a “top-down” manner (from the brain to the body).

However, thinking will not be able to stop the amygdala hijack and the subsequent chain of events that goes through the body. The good news is that we can start our recovery and rebuild our relationship with ourselves by employing easy techniques to change programs and gears.

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The Nervous System Reset: The Valgus Nerve Comes to the Rescue
Thankfully, humans are designed to reset: We can purposefully activate toggle points, “dimmer switches,” and nervous system “hacks” to put our bodies back in recovery mode.


Because they focus on the body, which then signals to the brain that we are safe, we refer to them as “bottom-up” strategies. The vagus nerve, which regulates 75% of communication to our reset system—the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system and is responsible for the “coast is clear” program—is the biggest reset lifter.

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The Latin word valgus means “wandering,” and it describes this nerve, which is the longest in the body, as it meanders from the gut to the heart, lungs, and brain. It’s our superhighway to calm when it’s engaged. Heart rate decreases. We feel calmer as our breathing slows down.

The more we engage with particular valgus nerve toggles, the quicker they help us transition in and out of the necessary states. It functions akin to a speed dial for controlling our emotions and returning to a safe state.

The Nervous System Reset: The Vagus Nerve Comes to the Rescue
Crucially, during an amygdala hijack, we are unable to recall what to do because that library of answers is not “online” at that moment.

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Thus, just as it is helpful to know how to change a tire before you end up on the side of the road with a flat, it is also helpful to know your options for centering and grounding yourself.


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