Vegan Restaurants: 10 Study Diet can Improve Heart Health in Just Eight Weeks


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Vegan Restaurants: 10 Study Diet can Improve Heart Health in Just Eight Weeks

According to a study, a vegan diet can improve heart health in just eight weeks.


According to new research, twins fed an experimental vegan diet for just two months experienced reductions in insulin, weight, and a protein linked to heart disease and stroke.

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Vegan Restaurants Vegan vs vegetarian
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The results add to the body of evidence demonstrating that vegan diets can benefit humans in addition to the environment.


According to nutritional scientist Christopher Gardner of Stanford University, “most of us would benefit from going to a more plant-based diet based on these results and thinking about longevity.”

In order to account for variations in genetics, upbringing, and lifestyle, the researchers divided the 22 pairs of identical twins who were in good health into two groups.


Healthy diets comprising fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds were given to both groups. The only thing that separated the two sets of twins was that one of them also ate what is regarded as a healthy amount of meat, while the other only ate plant-based foods.


“Not only did this study provide a groundbreaking way to assert that a vegan diet is healthier than the conventional omnivore diet, but the twins were also a riot to work with,” Gardner says.

They conversed, dressed, and joked with each other in a way that could only be experienced by spendingexcessive amounts of time spent together.”


During the first four weeks of the trial, each group received meals that were specially prepared and delivered for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

They were also given strict guidelines regarding the snacks that they could have. They included staying away from processed foods and eating a wide range of food groups in moderation.

In the second phase of the study, participants were required to maintain the diet for an additional four weeks by doing their own grocery shopping and cooking.

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Vegan vs vegetarian
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In their paper, food scientist Matthew Landry and colleagues at Stanford write, “Although weight loss was not discouraged, our diet design did not include a prescribed energy restriction and was not intended to be a weight loss study.”

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“Participants were told to eat until they were satiated throughout the study.”

The twins on the plant-based diet saw the biggest improvements in their cardiovascular health, though both groups saw improvements.


They experienced a 20% reduction in fasting insulin as well as a 20% decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.

This protein increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by moving fat molecules, particularly cholesterol, throughout the body. LDL-C should be at or below 100 mg/DL at its ideal level.

Prior to the experiment, the omnivores’ average level was 118.5 mg/dL; it decreased to 116.1. It decreased from 110.7 to 95.5 mg/dL in the vegan group.


The study was not designed to control for calorie intake, according to the authors, so the decrease in LDL-C may have resulted from weight loss experienced by vegans.

“We designed this study as a ‘free-living’ study; thus, the behavior of following a vegan diet may induce the physiological changes we observed,” they state.

“However, the biological mechanisms cannot be determined to be causally from solely the vegan diet alone because of confounding variables (weight loss, decrease in caloric intake, and increase in vegetable intake).”

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That vegan teacher
Vegan vs vegetarian
Vegan desserts

The study also showed the anticipated decline in vitamin B12, but the researchers believe that because the decline was so brief, it had not yet reached a significant level.


If you follow a strictly plant-based diet and make mistakes along the way, it can become more difficult to get some important nutrients, like vitamin B12. Supplements are frequently advised for people who completely give up meat in order to offset this impact.


Sadly, there has been a significant backlash against this dietary choice; in fact, even though the majority of people support the underlying ideas, the term “vegan” has gained negative connotations.

For those of us with dietary health conditions, it’s very challenging to achieve.


However, we also cannot ignore the mounting amount of data demonstrating the unquestionable health advantages of a plant-based diet. These include decreasing blood pressure, losing weight, and having a lower chance of developing diabetes and heart issues among various ethnic groups.


Increases in health markers were also observed in the control group, so it is evident that simply eating a greater plant-based diet can also be advantageous.


Therefore, if we steer clear of the tangled, divisive pitfalls of black-and-white thinking and instead support each other There is a greater likelihood of changing attitudes and sustaining changes if we encourage people to make healthier choices as opposed to demanding a complete transition to veganism.

Vegan Restaurants

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That vegan teacher
Vegan vs vegetarian
Vegan desserts

This is acknowledged by the researchers.

“A vegan diet can confer additional benefits such as increased gut bacteria and the reduction of telomere loss, which slows aging in the body,” Gardner explains.


nevertheless “what’s more important than going strictly vegan is including more plant-based foods into your diet.”


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