Wall Pilates : T5 Bodies and Gym Bodies Reasons to Quit Comparing


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Wall Pilates : Bodies and Gym Bodies Reasons to Quit Comparing

Reasons to Quit Comparing “Pilates Bodies” and “Gym Bodies”

One Tik Tok video features a slender woman in a one-piece bathing suit; another shows the same woman proudly showing off her.


Toned abs in a thongkini: “POV: you traded Pilates for real weight training,” the caption and voiceover say. Naturally, the idea here is that by varying her exercise regimen, this creator “transformed” her body.

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Millions of people have viewed videos on TikTok featuring hashtags that contrast weightlifting and Pilates, with participants discussing not only the benefits and drawbacks of each exercise, but also the bodies they “got” from performing it.


However, this comparison is a trap rather than a way to discover the ideal exercise regimen for your ideal body.


You will never feel like you’re winning despite all of your hard work if you start comparing your wellness journey, body type, workout routine, or diet to that of others.

Fortunately, despite the overwhelming number of these videos on TikTok, other creators are speaking the truth: comparing the two modalities and their “results” can be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. You don’t have to choose between the two.

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Where Did the Body Debate Between Pilates and Gym Originate?

Although Pilates has been around since the 1920s, Ashlea McKee, a certified Pilates instructor, claims that social media has played a major role in the sport’s recent popularity surge.

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Physical therapist Grace Taylor, DPT, notes that many people switched from intense, high-intensity workouts to a gentler, more mindful approach to exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Individuals were searching for exercises that could be done in a home gym (i.e., on a mat in the corner of your bedroom) and provided a respite from strenuous training during stressful times.


Celebrity endorsements of Pilates, such as those from Kerry Washington and Kylie Jenner (who both vouch for the discipline) further fueled the movement.

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“Pilates has allowed me to be focused on my appearance and my health in ways that are not abusive or critical,” Washington told Women’s Health.


Soon, photos of Pilates enthusiasts posing on fancy reformer machines in pastel matching sets were flooding social media.


The weightlifting or gym aesthetic on GymTok, on the other hand, embodies the opposite vibe. The gym content has a decidedly more heavy-metal vibe instead of pastels and bohemian bare feet; it’s literally filled with sweat, steel, and iron.

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It is inevitable that talk of bodies will arise whenever workouts are discussed. The preconceptions surrounding Pilates and weightlifting


Also seem to be at odds in this situation: many Pilates studios and instructors guarantee to their clients that the discipline will develop a “long, lean body,” while weightlifters are thought to be muscular, ripped bodybuilders.

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These two clichés don’t accurately depict reality. Because of this, putting these body types up against one another not only feeds into erroneous stereotypes but also the myth that there is a single, acceptable way to look good.


Why the Mindset of Pilates Body vs. Gym Body Is Harmful


The entire argument rests on the fallacious notion that your body can appear a certain way through any given workout. According to McKee,


Different people require different types of exercises to best meet their unique needs and objectives, and each person’s body will react differently to those regimens.

Furthermore, according to Laura Cohen, the lead family mentor at Equip, a virtual service for the treatment of eating disorders and the author of The No Weigh Way, while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel.

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stronger or thinner, concentrating only on appearances can lead to an unhealthy relationship with exercise and your body.


“I’m a very strong advocate of joyful movement, which means decoupling exercise and movement from what physical changes may — or may not — occur, and choosing


Movement based on what feels good to you, both physically and mentally,” Cohen explains. “Most important is finding what type of movement brings you joy.”


One of the best ways to stick with an exercise program and enjoy all the benefits of exercise is to find or create something you enjoy.


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“Moving will help any body, especially moving in a way that makes them feel their best on the inside as well as the outside. “You will look forward to it, stay consistent, and seamlessly integrate it into your life when you find something that makes you feel your best,” McKee says.


Looking broader, the argument between Pilates and weightlifting is detrimental to more than just your own training regimen.

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Fundamentally, this is a discussion about the ideal appearance for women, which perpetuates the idea that certain body types are “better” than others, a notion promoted by diet culture.

Why Your Routine Can Include Both Types of Exercise


Pilates-trained bodies versus gym-trained bodies Fitness “creates a binary of right or wrong, good or bad, and that’s not the way that exercise works,” claims author and movement educator Trina Altman.


In actuality, according to Altman, strength training and Pilates go hand in hand. Pilates can increase your range of motion and awareness of your body, which can facilitate more


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Precise execution of strength training exercises. On the other hand, strength training can facilitate the difficulty of more difficult Pilates exercises.”

Because each practice targets a different kind of muscle, the two are complementary to one another. Your body is made up of both moving and stabilizing muscles.


“Moving muscles are what they sound like: get you from point A to point B and allow you to do things like open a door, lift a backpack, get dressed, and play outside with your kids,” Altman explains.

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“Your stability muscles work on a smaller scale, and work to keep you upright with proper alignment.” Pilates is all about the stabilizing muscles, whereas more conventional strength training concentrates on the moving muscles.


Because you need both to function properly, limiting your time to just one of these exercises is counterproductive.


“Incorporating both into your routine gives you complementary strength and balance to safely participate in a wide range of activities,” says Dr. Taylor.


Dr. Taylor continues, “Generally speaking, limiting yourself to just one form of exercise—be it weight training, Pilates, or something else entirely—can be extremely detrimental.”


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It also gives you some leeway in the event that an injury or hectic schedule prevents you from working out. It is healthier for your body and mind to vary your fitness regimen rather than focusing on just one.


“There’s no moral value of practicing one or both of these activities,” Cohen asserts. You won’t be able to truly listen to your body’s exercise needs if you’re surrounded by stereotypes about what you should want or how you should look, or that a certain exercise will make your body look a certain way.


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